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Monday, 24 June 2019

Pengalaman Temuduga Biasiswa Petronas 2018/ 2018 Petronas Scholarship Interview Experience

Hello! Okay harini cumi nak cerita tentang pengalaman cumi pergi temuduga untuk biasiswa Petronas.

Jadi,selepas lebih kurang sebulan cumi apply untuk scholarship ni,akhirnya dapat emel maklum balas daripada pihak Petronas.Dalam emel tu dia bagitahu yang cumi lepas ke peringkat temuduga dan ada detail tentang interview tu.Masa batch cumi ni,interview PESP buat dekat Kolej Damansara Utama (KDU).

Official name untuk interview Petronas ialah PETRONAS YOUNGSTAR DAY (PYD) .Perasan tak,takde langsung perkataan 'interview' dalam nama tu.Nak tau sebab apa? Sebab, PYD ni ada dua stage lagi sebenarnya,bukan interview semata-mata.Tapi tu kejap lagi cumi cerita.

Alright,sampai-sampai sahaja kat KDU,cumi dengan candidate lain naik ke hall KDU.Ni last untuk korang jumpa mak ayah tau untuk hari tu.So,make sure bawa semua dokumen yang diminta.Jadi selepas daftar dan verify semua dokumen,kami terus duduk dalam kumpulan yang telah ditetapkan.Lepas dengar taklimat ringkas dari pegawai Petronas,setiap kumpulan dibawa ke bilik ujian masing-masing.

Stage 1: Application
Stage 2: Assessment          } PYD
Stage 3: Group Interview  } PYD

Dan bermulalah STAGE 2 iaitu peringkat assessment.Ujian ni dibuat di makmal komputer sebab soalan semua online.Ujian ni ada 2 bahagian.Bahagian 1;ujian personaliti, Bahagian 2;english and mathematics questions. Ujian personaliti tak perlu terlalu risau,just be honest 😉.Yang perlu beri perhatian ialah bahagian 2 assessment tu.Kenapa? Sebab NO CALCULATOR ALLOWED. Jadi,kita kena make sure kita drill dulu mathematics skill dulu before pergi PYD. But,you don't have to worry so much lah sebab soalan dia tak sesusah add maths 😜.Just taraf KBAT mathmode ajee hehe.For english questions,they're quite tricky. So the key is to practice beforehand! Fyi,Petronas ada sediakan 1 set soalan contoh sekali dengan explaination. But,trust me,tak cukup. You need to find more example questions. Don't worry! Google kan ada.

After selesai assessment tu,all candidates would be back to the hall yang tadi tu. Fasilitator akan edar makanan,and waktu ni agak bebas lah.Dalam pukul 12,they announced the result siapa yang make it to the interview level. So what happen to those who failed the second stage? They need to go home 😢.If you come from far away such as Kelantan or Johor,make sure your long journey is worth it okay? Its okay you can do it if you put some effort into it.Why? Sebab nak banding candidate yang lepas dengan yang fail,ramai lagi yang pass 😁.

Okay done sendu.Continue to the last level before we are officially a Petronas scholar! The interview Stage! There will be no individual interview for PESP candidate. AT ALL. So you don't really have to prepare answers for question like why you want to pursue your study in engineering yada yada~ Instead,collect info about the company,the operation,the system of Petronas.

You will be given a task as a group. Nanti candidate akan diberi masa untuk brainstorm dalam satu bilik kuliah.Dalam bilik kuliah ni akan ada banyak group. So obviously you won't be discussing anything with your groupmates. Because the discussion will be done in an interview room with two interviewers that will evaluate you. And of course,a decision has to be made on the best idea.For this stage,I'd love to kindly remind everyone not to feel insecure with other people. But,don't be overconfident until you overshadow your teammates. Be a good team player and also a good leader.

And then,selesai.. Yeay! In order to give you the 'vibe' of PYD,I'll attach a picture of me and my teammates on that particular day

Goodluck guys!